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Frequently Asked Questions…

How to cut metallic acrylic

One of the main benefits of metallic acrylic is how easy it is to work with. It can be cut with standard workshop equipment including hand saws and power saws. The below tools can be used:
Score and break
CNC Laser/Router cutting

How to polish glitter acrylic sheet

To polish most types of acrylic, including glitter, fine grit sandpapers are the best option alternating between wet and dry. Using a piece of wet, 800 grit sandpaper in a circular, buffing motion and then repeat with a dry piece of the same sandpaper. Alternating between the wet and dry pieces for a few minutes at a time. Move onto the grade 1200 paper and continue with the circular buffing motions, if it begins to look frosty this is just part of the process and these will disappear during the sanding. Next, dry the area fully with a soft, dry cotton cloth. If you have acrylic polish, this will help the material shine and look as good as new.

How to bend glitter acrylic sheet

To bend most types of plastic material, the process is done using heat to create a thermoformable area which can then be bent into place. You can do this with a heat gun, line bending machine or any heat source within your workshop.

Plastics for your every need

We’ve been providing plastic sheets to a number of industries since 2001 with unrivaled support and reliable cutting and delivery services. We stock a significantly large assortment of high-quality, plastic materials with over 350 to choose from, meaning no matter what project you’re working on, you can rely on Plastic Sheets Directs to have what you need.

Our experienced team is always on hand to answer any questions, assist you with requests and offer advice and exceptional customer service. To complement our range of plastic sheets, we also offer a full range of accessories which include multiwall accessories, double glazing components and polishes.